Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pigeons, Raccoons, Bats (& Waldo) ...Oh My!

I guess we'll start with "Waldo"... Wheeerrre's Waldo? Remember each pic can be made much larger by clicking on it... wait, ...uhhmm.. I don't know that I want you to do that because there is NO telling WHAT may be lurking on the floor or in the background. Not that I have seen anything, but.. still... one never knows.
Okay, back to Mr. C.. 'Waldo'. I was sitting and folding clothes (yes, mom, I know how to do that) and Mr. C was talking away, then resting his head, and talking and resting... then sleep! Glorious sleep! After getting the camera, I actually laid down for 12 minutes before he woke up.

"Mr. C" with his adorable smile...

And pigeons... we have a flock (is it "flock" for pigeons?) anyway, a grouping of about 9-12 pigeons that have come to our pasture for about a week or so now. As my taller half says, "As long as they're not in the barn". Ain't THAT the truth... very messy, that ONE, that disappeared.

We have our own cat girl... No, on second thought rather, Pretty Kitty.

This critter... varmint... was finally nabbed. "Varmint" because for at least a week, he (or she?) was getting into our cat food container in our garage -despite trying to store the container in various ways at various heights.

And the hummers are back...

with a vengeance...

Candid was the camera...

During 'quite-time', Miss E decided to pick apart a basket (that contains only a portion of her stuffed animals), so she could "make a nest" for the bat.
[if the walls look blank behind her, it's because she picked off all of the humming bird, dragonfly, & butterfly appliques that were up]...

The loves of my life...

Here's looking at you!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We don't always sit down at the dinner table to eat...

Sometimes it's lunch in the shop... because WHO wants to come in from playing to eat?!?
No one here (well except the little guy in the stroller may prefer his boob while cuddled in a soft chair).
Sometimes it's lunch "like a picnic" on the living room floor on the picnic blanket, of course (with animals lined up watching)...
And sometimes it's breakfast on the porch...
...with a view that's priceless.
We're blessed.